Last month, along the way home from my internship place, my mind kept dishing a lot of redecorating ideas for my small room at hometown. I was thinking a "Simple and Classy" room tho.
As soon as I've arrived, I asked my dad, "Do we have white paint?". Obviously, now you already know what my new room will look like. Surprise!
But before I go any further, lemme reveal a little bit about my "old version" room. Yes, it was so purple because 6 years ago, dumb dumb me thought that purple was so calming and romantic. I was wrong. (Purple-maniac don't bash me, please~) Then I have a picture of a tree because I thought it could gimme good relieving sight but ...we will just skip that part.
So yeah, I repainted my room in white. Now I feel so free and wide. Even when in the dark (night) I still can feel that I'm in a biggggggg white box.
I think I have made a good decision.
Done "Simple" part, but where is the "Classy"?
First, I need a big mirror so I can see myself and practice talking in front of it when I have an interview the next morning. But a big mirror is quite expensive for me tho, so here is the DIY part where I went bombarding "Everything at RM2" stores.
I grabbed 12 single mirrors (RM24), 2 tin of wood glues (Rm4) and 10 masking tapes (RM20). My total expenses were RM48.00.
Will I make it? Let's see the result.
Here is my 3X3 mirror size where I can see from my head to knee clearly. I collected the pallet wood from somewhere at the back of shops. How could they throw these pretty woods just like that? :'(
I left the mirror tapped for one whole night to let it stick well on the wood and the glue.
Next, I present to you the one and only masterpiece of my whole life. Lol hahahahhaha!!
I painted a simple abstract on my wall to add up value on my plain wall. All I need were those remaining masking tapes, brushes, and paints. Oh yes, don't forget to put also a little bit of creativity and patient because doing this acquires me to be patient like 300% more than usual.

After a whole day of taping and painting, here is the result!
Done, for now, I was so sweaty and smelly.
I also engaged a professional cleaning company for curtain cleaning and mattress cleaning service for my room as it has been a while since these were thoroughly cleaned.
I have a lot more upcoming ideas but it's okay I will keep it first. Slowly but surely, right!
Who says we need to spend a lot to have a good room decoration, Just DIY!
What do you think about my new version room? Anything should I add?