Being Diagnosed with Hyperhidrosis

April 30, 2017


I know the title sounds so serious, but chill. It's just a title.

Yes, I was being diagnosed with Hyperhidrosis since I was standard 4.

But what is it? Do you know?

Illustration on point!

Basically, this is a medical condition that causes excessive sweating. The word “hyperhidrosis” means too much (hyper) sweating (hidrosis).

Excessive sweating happens when a person sweats more than is necessary. People who have hyperhidrosis, however, sweat when the body does not need cooling.

Many people who have hyperhidrosis sweat from one or two areas of the body. Most often, they sweat from their palms, feet, underarms, or head. While the rest of the body remains dry.

And for real, I'm typing and my hand is sweating on this keyboard and mouse right now. But, it's not every time, just when it is a hot day, I tend to sweat more especially my palm and foot. And sometime, at one stage, my shoe will get wet and it looks like I just went to the toilet. Serious! This is based on a true story. Fuh.. can you imagine that.

Then when I encounter people, surely they must give a shaking hand, then I am the one who was like an idiot, drying my hands on my trousers or jeans.

And then, back to my life in standard 6. My mom insisted on bringing a handkerchief during UPSR so that I can put it under my hand to avoid the papers from my sweat. Some of my friends even laughed at me. Sad life T^T

There is 2 type of Hyperhidrosis which are the primary and secondary stage. I'm in the primary stage which is not severely bad. The secondary stage is more to diabetes, obesity or frostbite, but I am not any of them. I just sweat more than others.

and one more, when I get back from my daily jogging, my friend was like

"Are you taking a bath or what?"

"Is it raining?"

and I was like....=="

Being diagnosed with Hyperhidrosis was not an easy dude. but I still thanks God because of giving me an opportunity of life.

Do you have anything to handle like this? Share it in the comment dude! 
Let's embrace ourselves together.

See you in the funny paper!

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  1. Me too! Kuat berpeluh kalau tapak tangan ni. Pun tak faham jugak. 😓
    Ooo sejenis penyakit rupanya...

    1. Same meh? Wooooo.. ada geng.. rimas kan bila tangan basah.. nak buat kerja apa semua susah haihhh.. :'(

  2. kita geng! mostly if nervous mmg akan berpeluh. but even rilek duduk dlm bilik ada aircond and tak nervous pun tapak tangan akan basah!

    1. Yeay! ada geng lagi.. kan.. even duduk saja tak buat apa pun.. dalam aircond plak tu.. still basah

  3. Sama. Syilah pun sama especially on tapak tangan and kaki. My dad selalu cakap pergi hospital buat pembedahan :/

    1. Geng lagi!!! .. Haah lupa nak mention tu dalam blog.. Amer ada pernah pergi jumpa doctor. the only cure is bedah hmm.. memang tak lah hahaha

  4. Replies
    1. Takde, only me. Lagi pun nih bukan sejenis penyakit keturunan, so maybe amer sorang la kot hahahha

  5. anak murid kak ana dulu pun ada macam ni juga. sampai basah buku di buatnya. sampai kak ana bg handkerchief dekat dia.

    1. Betul tu kak ana... memang akan basah kertas apa semua tu... amer kalau exam memang akan bawa sapu tangan.. kalau tak habis ppaer exam hm

  6. AAa... that how it works... I see. My friends Also had hyperhidrosis and other friends make fuin with it. They said "are u dead person?" since standard 5 because he sweating too much. Hahahah..

    Tq foe Sharing this Amer. I got one point today. Keep it up!

    Maaf english saya terabur. ahahaha

    1. Hahahaha... pity your friend. Issokay dude, at least you have tried to write in english. Mine also terabur rabai hahahaha

  7. Amer you're not the only one, beside our blogger friends, a friend of mine also diagnosed hyperhidrosis.. Pity him. He feels uncomfortable all the time.

    1. Especially, when encounter people. Awkward huh hmm ..

  8. I feel sorry for you when reading this :(
    I don't know how it feels like but surely if I were you I couldn't handle that.
    I hope there's a probability for the disease to heal on it's own (is it possible?)
    Be strong! hehe.

    1. Thanks bro, but I already get used to it. Maybe one day when I become a scientist, I will find the cure hahahahahaha

  9. Replies
    1. But still.. Thanks Allah for giving me life :')

  10. I had this problem before, tapi sekarang dah kurang tak macam dulu

    1. Me too.. The worst was in 2010.. now it's reducing hm

  11. Pernah ada kawan macam ni, masa asrama. Time solat berjemaah, nanti dengan lengan sebelah kita pun basah. Mula2 hairan, lepastu dia cerita problem dia baru mai faham puncanya. Kesian, siap dah operate dekat bawah ketiak dia, but still macam tu lagi. Faktor saiz badan juga mungkin.

    Orang sekeliling patut di educate supaya dapat faham.

    Apapun, mai akan berpeluh dengan hebat waktu gayat, even tengok video roller coaster pun tangan n kaki sendiri yang berpeluh, huhu.

    1. Haah, sebab tuh la amer tak nak operate sebab takut macam sia-sia.. lebih selesa macam nih, sebab memang dari kecik kan.. Kalau gayat sapa ja tak kecut perut. Hahahah tah2 kalau amer berpeluh macam mandi kot hahaha tapi amer takdelah takut gayat "sangat". ada la sikit2 hahahahaha

  12. Sy tak, tapi kawan sy. Cepat ja tapak tangan dia berpeluh.

  13. Haha, mee too. Tapi dulu, sekarang tak lagi. Mase nak shake hand dengan orang, kene lap dulu kat baju atau celana, supaye tak basah. Muke pun cepat berpeluh, macam orang habis mandi.

    1. Wow, saya takda lah muka berpeluh hahah.. I feel you sis. Tapi now, saya pun dah berkurang... dah takda menitik-nitik hahaha

  14. Saya ni macam mana pulak, susah sangat nak keluar peluh.. But, is there any medicine or treatment to heal that disease?

    1. HAhahahha.. yang tu saya tak tahu. Ada, either bedah or pakai losyen untuk kurangkan.

  15. "bringing a handkerchief during UPSR"
    He he, that's cute a thing to memorise back. It was the same for me, but for my case, I brought it on my own initiative cause I don't want to leave unwanted stains that might come from my sweaty palms, especially on the very sensitive OMR paper :)
