New AMERZING Concept | Apa pendapat korang?

June 26, 2020

Hi guys!!

If you guys have followed me since day-1, you surely know why I started a blog back in 2016 right? Kalau belum tahu and nak tahu, Amer sediakan link di sini --> My first post and why I blog in English.

Okay, so the new concept that I want to bring into Amerzing is that I want to start mixing my language between English and Malay. I started my blog for fun and I write in English because I solely want to improve my English.

Alhamdulillah, I have improved a lot throughout these 4 years. MUET pun dah lepas, segala exam yang bekaitan dengan English writing literature pun dah lepas. Wahh sedar tak sedar dah 4 tahun Amer berblogging. Maybe one day I'll recap some of the interesting experiences while blogging. Hahaha!

Jadi sudah tiba masanya untuk kita lebih santai dalam blog ni. Baru rasa macam tengah bercakap depan-depan kan? So starting from today, Amerzing will become more leasure and relax.

Jangan risau, sekali sekala Amer akan tulis full in English juga, especially bila tulis post yang koyak and sendu hahaha sebab time tu kalau berpuitis dalam English rasa macam lebih feeling.

So, what's is your opinion? Apa pendapat korang? Okay ke tak okay kalau Amer tulis campur Malay dan English? Or stay with English je? Komen dekat bawah nanti!

Till next time!

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  1. Okay sangat. Kalau mix language, lagi tinggi peluang utk dpt viewer dari latar belakang berbeza.

    1. I was thinking the same too. We blog for the readers to read right. Terima kasih atas pandangan

  2. Okay je. Sekali sekala selit sekali loghat kedah tu haha

    1. Hahaha loghat kedah tu memang wajib ada nanti. tunggu je haahahha

  3. hahaha yeayyyy! Congrats for all the achievements mentioned above. Happy blogging Amer!

  4. Yayyyy! Tak sabar nak baca next postings from Amerzing!

    1. Yey!!! Thank you! ada masa Amer update selalu.

  5. same goes with me..mix^^
    nice blog!

  6. InshaAllah kita usaha sama2. Thank you!

  7. All the best bro, do what you do the best!
    whether it is english/ malay, just be yourself..
    be the one who enjoying doing something :)

  8. I prefer english tapi mixed also can . Like u stated before some words give different impact whenever we used english .But depends on person that juz my opinion . Btw im your new follower :)

  9. saya suka.. apa amer buat semua saya setuju..
