Amerzing Bloglist Review

March 23, 2017

Aaron watches the sea, lost in the rhythmic percussion of waves on sand. His eyes are steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckons the stars. His lips bear the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he is enjoying his thoughts, whatever they may be. Lucy moves closer so that he feels her presence, yet stays quiet, allowing him to stay lost in the moment a while longer.

Lost in the scene? Be hold! I have something to tell you. Since the beginning, Amerzing is just a small abandoned site that no one knows. No friends, no acquaintance and not support. Today, I decided to show my gratitude to these guys that I adore, their words and their thought.

There is no doubt, each one of them holds different unique characteristic that make me catastrophically recommend them to you. It's kind of a bloglist but it's built by my own willing and some reviews. I hope you guys like it! 


Such an idol! He is a graduate from Institute of Teacher Education International Languages Campus. (English teacher literally... I hope he won't spot my grammatical errors hehehe) What special about his blog is he love to share, to share about his life experiences and some tips that might help in our daily life. He promised in his first post to not acting like a teacher in his blog, but I think most of his posts he still writes like a teacher hahahaha.. No offence :p

She is so friendly. I had had a personal email conversation with her, asking for some tips how to be an Adsense publisher. Can you imagine? I asked about 4 sentences, then she replied more that 4 paragraphs. Fuhh... penat den nok baca... She is great, really! I don't know how she did but she just did it. She had organized her own Giveaway contest (that I didn't join *sobb) and she got like an enormous crowd that want to join it. And also such an idol!


Can I say this is my "Perpustakaan Bergerak"? because she is superb in reviewing books. I often stalk her blog when I seek for new book for my List of Book To Be Read... or maybe not hehehe. She said "Reading is one way to escape reality into the imagination world with the books I read." and I absolutely agreed. Her English... thorboek!!! But hey! do you eat book? because people says book lover is an "Ulat Buku" hmm. Don't close to my books then! Hahahahhaa


If just now is "Perpustakaan Bergerak" but this one is  "Second Tripadvisor" hahahaha.. pandai2 je nak namakan orang kan, sorry2. But it's true though. Her site is likely a travelogue. She mostly shares her travel experiences and sometime foods review. My first love on her blog was her review on Alor Setar that totally caught my eyes and attention to scroll more. Yelahkan.. chek orang Kedah hehehe.


The winner of Blog Pengguna Malaysia!!!!! Wow, congrats bro! As what you read, his blog is fulled with Pengguna Malaysia needs. For example, Permohonan Melanjutkan Pengajian Ke Timur Tengah Sesi 2017/2018 Dibuka (Mesir,Jordan,Morocco). Hahahaha no doubt he got the first place right. What I love about his blog is he writes what he wants to tell people, I meant, he talks what he should talk, what he feels it's right and what he thinks it's beneficial. Nice!


A lovely mom yet a great blogger designer. I love her passion and her spirit on blogging. Even though she has another important responsible like family and career, but she still can manage her time to blog and share some thought. Not everyone can have that kind of spirit tho. By the way, as stated above, she is superb in designing blog template and others. Maybe one day you can get her service!


If you want to find any tips, he is the one! There is a lot of TIPS TIPS TIPS TIPS words from A to Z that you can find once your are in his blog. I like his blog. He loves to share his knowledge with the readers. There is several tutorials on learning different languages and how to become a better blogger. He is also one of the men that willing to help me to be an Adsense publisher, but unfortunately, I'm still not one of them hmmm *prayforme :')


So, here are all the 7 peoples that I think other should know. They might not be the most famous blogger in Malaysia but I'm so glad that I know them and I hope I can be as better as them in one fine day.

For those who are not in this post, please... I didn't mean anything. One day, when my heart is opened and I already have enough courage to throw a bloglist / giveaway contest party publicly, I will surely invite you to join it, because you guys are everything to me. :')

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  1. syed is literally sort like Ben Ashaari junior, since he's so famous.. haha.. The only blog I'm reading in your list are Syed, kak Ana Suhana and Khaidir.. Should visit the others soon.. hehe

    1. Ok I missed out one person, Fatina..! XD

    2. Ohh.. Kalau syed jd ben ashaari jr... Amer jadi apa pulak? #brojeles hahahah

    3. Like seriouslyyyy anis? No, I'm not. I'm still searching for the way to be amerzing like him. haha.

    4. WOW Syed!! penghargaan besar tu. Keep writing my fren

  2. Terasa mahu menyorok bawah bantal pulak ini hihihi terharu sangat dengan Amerzing ni 😆 Lagi buat rasa semangat to write more book reviews lah gini! Anyway, Thank you so much, Amerzing! 🙈 I literally would love to eat, shower and sleep with the books if I can but I know I won't because I love my babies so much hihihi 😂😂

    1. Dayummm.. I should warn my books now!! Hahahaha.. Tak perlu la nyorok bawah bantal tu. Baguslah kalau lebih bersemangat. Teruskan review buku, inspire people!!! Yeah!

  3. Semua tu pun blogger fav mai <3
    and some of them tu memang dah rapat walaupun tak pernah jumpa.
    Mereka AWESOME!

    1. Fuyooooo!! Bila Amerzing nak ada peminat macam ni. 😭😭😭😭

    2. Sekarang dah ada peminat, hahahaha. Tapi share dulu filter gmbr apa.kekeke gurau je... Welcome to my bloglist!

    3. Hahahaha yeah!!! Achievement unlock! Okay2 nanti amer share satu post khas tentang editing filter gambar and also a credit to you sebagai penghargaan sbb sudi letak Amerzing dalam bloglist. Thanks. :')

  4. Such an honoured to be part of the list. Thank you so much for your kind compliment. U made my day Bro. 😊😊👍

    1. Most welcome. Hope you like it hehe :)

    2. Amer, sis ada entri baru ni 😊

    3. Thank you so so so so so so much!

  5. Loving this post! And they're definitely great bloggers to make frequent trips to.

    1. Love to hear that ... Thank you Syawani Izzati :)

  6. Alamak! Betul ke tak ni ya ada nama sis kat situ? Baca dua tiga kali betul betul memang nama sis kat situ. Hehe.... Thank you so much for this lovely post. Finally telah ada seseorang yang cuba memahami siapa diri sis and I really appreciate it. Terima kasih banyak-banyak sekali lagi... InshaaAllah nanti sis review blog Amer pulak ya :D

    1. Hahahah betul la tuh, nama sis la yang ada dalam list ni. Insya Allah, bloggers kan satu family kena la saling memahami hehehe..

    2. betul3x... cuma sedih tak jumpa FB Amer. ngat nak add ke group team kat fb huhu

    3. Hahaha malangnya, amer tiada FB :').

      Thanks for the invitation anyway.

  7. Wahhhh kita nombor 2 lah hahahha. Bangga kejap dapat surprise review dari amerzing 😘😘😘 haihh boyfriend elsa sorang nie buat elsa senyum jeh tak sudah sudah hahaha

    1. Amboi amboi.. surprise bagai hahaha.. Apa guna boyfriend kalau tak menggembirakan girlfriend nya ceeewwwah!!! hahahaha

    2. amboi3x. adik aku yang berdua ni bukan main eh! tapi kalau sungguh pun sis restu.. gempak!! :D

    3. hhahahahahahhahah tak boleh tak boleh. Elsa dah ada power ranger hitam dia dah hahahahahha :P ... #basedoninstastory

  8. Thanks Amer for this review! I feel honored to be mentioned by you in this amerzing blog. What do you mean by "he still writes like a teacher?" hahaha. I think I know the answer but I wanna hear it from you kahkah. Thanks again! :)

    1. Idola komen wuuuuu... You wanna know why? Because it's you, a teacher who spreads thought and knowledge to people. That's why what ever you write, you still write like a teacher because each one of them is very beneficial. :') hehhehehe...

    2. tetiba je sis berasa mcm tengah duduk kat US.. hahaha.. just joking! :D

  9. amer baca sini >>

  10. Wow nice review Amer..

    I'm familiar with their blog.. They have their own 'trade mark' and inspiring too! 👍

    1. Thank you very much!

      If you're familiar with them, then you should be familiar with me after this. Nice to meet you anyway :)

  11. u've done a good review, i already knew most of them :D

  12. 1-2-4-6, selalu juga singgah blog dorang. entry dorang pon best2 ������

  13. Wow.. nice review.. Mereka yang tersenarai tu antara blog yang selalu juga dilawati..

    1. Thank you. Amer harap Amerzing pun one of them yg shahida selalu lawati hehehehe..

    2. InsyaAllah.. Akan cuba selalu singgah..
      Keep it up..

  14. All of the bloggers listed are all worthy to spend time visiting at.

    and you just gave a me a perfect blog post idea lol

    I'll credit you when the post is done.

    1. Wow! This is amerzing and exciting!! I can't wait any longer. Notice me when you've done!

  15. can you teach me how to decorate your blog. thanks

    1. Hi, Waaaizat. I'm so sorry, I'm not an expert. I edited my blog time to time since I'm a amateur programming student. Maybe you can seek for some advices from SIS HAWA that I mentioned above. All the best! (Sis hawa is a pro, heheh)

    2. Thanks for mention my name Amer :D

  16. Baca semua list blog kat atas kecuali KHAIDIR KHAIZUKI. Okey, nak pegi usya sekarang jugak. Hihi

    1. Yeay! Lepas ni Ana Fatihah la usya2 AMERZING selalu hehehee

  17. Next turn, The Amazing Me pulak yer.. Suka lah baca post amer nie..

    1. Haaaaa... insya Allah Amer akan cuba tulis lagi entry macam nih. heheh .thanks Jasmi :)
