Congratulations! The Amerzing Bloglist Winners.

June 03, 2017


Hi, guys! 

As I told you today will be the day for THE AMERZING BLOGLIST result!

First of all, I would like to thank everyone of you that have joined my blog list. I know some of you might say that the requirements were too much especially about the post. I'm so sorry about that.

Honestly, I love every post serious. Some of you did really open to share with us about your amazing moment in life. It is really hard for me to choose the best one. You guys are awesome!

There are many stories that I read, about your achievement in life and study, your drawback, your funny child life, your beloved parent and child, being printed out on newspaper, being a mom, having maniac friends, precious vacation, hopes and dreams, and also a story that scares my head off and some of them were managed to touch my heart.

As promised. So here is the result. *drum roll*

5 lucky blogs will get an amazing prize!

> 1st Lucky Prize:

You can request a new header and watermark (Theme: Watercolour Swatches or Normal
I will customize it FOR FREE
You will get a special review under FeaturedPost

2nd Lucky Prize: 

You can request a new watermark (Theme: Watercolour Swatches or Normal)
I will customize it FOR FREE
You will get a special review under FeaturedPost

> 3rd Lucky Prize:

You will get a special review under FeaturedPost

> Others participants including the lucky blogs:

I will put you in my bloglist for 3 months (May - July 2017) 

NOT ONLY THAT, I would like to mention 5 bloggers that I will never forget their story, which is: with her seramshit story. and her berudu. about her strong daddy. on his great achievement. with her best student award.

Congratulations to all contestants. For those who are not there, please know that your story is awesome too. Again, I do love all those. Really inspiring. Serious! Your experiences are like giving me the right path to shape a better life.

Thank you to all contestant. It is an honor to have you in my bloglist. Welcome! :)

 > Read Special Review Here <

p/s: please check your email dear winners. :3

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  1. Congrats everyone .....
    Have a nice day Amer...

  2. Akhirnya.. Alhamdulillah.. Tak sangka terpilih.. I really appreciate it! Congrats to all winners and participants.. Their story was really amazing ..

  3. Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih :) tahniah pada semua pemenang

  4. Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih :) tahniah pada semua pemenang

  5. Tahniah kepada semua pemenang..

  6. Replies
    1. Yang berudu tu betul, memang tak lupa tauuu kisahnya. Ya Allah, amiraaaa... 😂😂😂

  7. Congrats semua...

  8. Tahniah pd semua pemenang!

  9. tak menang pun takpalah janji dapat masuk bloglist. Tq Amer. Tahniah semua pemenang

  10. Seriuosly?? Is it me the first winner? Thanks so much Amer. Can't really describe how glad I am.

  11. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah. Thanks again! 😉

  12. Okay, I'm honored to be listed even thought not winning the top prize.. haha.. Thanks Amer and congratulations to the winners.. XD

  13. congrats semua! uolls really amazinglah!!!
    enjoy the ramadhan!

  14. wahh alhamdulillah dapat tempat ketiga. thankyou amer! done reply email awak :)

    tahniah juga pada pemenang yang lain :D

  15. alamak tak sempat join! tahniah pada yang menang^^

  16. Alhamdulillah.. Selamat juga bagi semua pemenang ya..

  17. Wahh terima kasih Amer atas penghargaan..Anyway Selamat menunaikan Ibadah Puasa dan Solat Tarawikh sepanjang bulan ramadhan...Amin :)

  18. Congrats kepada semua pemenang! =)

  19. Btw, Amer, akak baru je buat your Blue Sky Tag. Sorry for the late 😊🙏🏻 hihi.
