The 100th Day of Working in Intel Penang

February 05, 2021

Today marks my 100th day of being an Intel Software Engineer. (exclude all the weekends hehe)


Firstly, I wanna say sorry for staying silent for a few months since I've started working. I sorta trying to adapt to this new chapter, working life to be specific. 

Then, I was like, "Oh I need to put this on Amerzing" where I feel that it has been a part of all my achievements and life journey. I need to share this, I said.

Back to the topic, since day one, if I can put my feeling in words, I would say everything is a #GIFT. Yes, it's indeed a gift. Alhamdulillah again, while others are struggling in this pandemic, I'm blessed with a job. I can't be thankful enough for all these rezeki. Alhamdulillah. I've promised myself that I'll do my best for the chances given.

So here I shared two of my favorite photo that I took around Intel. The first was the morning sky on the Penang Bridge. My everyday route, my everyday view. How I wish we all can go back to the office as usual, since now I'm working from home. I missed my morning view deadly. :')

Being an astrophile and thalassophile at the same time gives me so much calming therapeutic feeling while driving to the office, despite the traffic lol. I can see both sea and sky in one sight. The second picture was also a morning sky above my office building. An airplane took off above it. What a view, indeed.

To more exciting experience, to more amerzing achievements! I pray for everyone's good health and stay safe! 

Till next post! Also, introducing my new label, #WorkLife. :)

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