Effect of Sleeping More Than 8 Hours

May 17, 2017

Have you ever slept for more than 8 hours in your life? Well, I guess all of us have done it, right? Unfortunately, it's not good for our health. Let's check it out! Maybe you are one of them!

1. Headache Attacks

Especially when you sleep between 4 pm to 7 pm, of course, you will get a severe headache. Most headaches happen in the nerves, blood vessels, and muscles that cover a person's head and neck. When you sleep too much, it will give a negative impact on your neurotransmitter (nerve). But, if you have an intense feels like a burning or piercing pain behind the eyes, either throbbing or constant, which we call as a migraine. You better go and have a medical check-up.

2. Diabetes

Sure thing! Do you know what it actually means by diabetes? It is a disease that causes abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevates levels of glucose in your blood and urine. When you have a high level of glucose in your body which should be under 100md/dl, you will be likely having a healthy growing diabetes baby in your body. Diabetes may lead to huge surgery and body amputation. Beware.


Obesity means when your weight is greater than your height. A bulky dwarf! Believe it or not, if you are sleeping more than 8-10 hours per day, you literally grow 5 kg in a week. This is because your body doesn't work for a while. Most of your time was in your bed. Sleep is happy, happy is chubby. Is it?

3. Damage Your Face

Your face will turn older, more wrinkles and oily. Just so you know, you should change your bed sheet at least once a month. Even though we can't see it by our naked eyes, but believe me, bacterias are having a wild party right now. Your face will get dirty and grow more pimples. Just imagine your face full of pimples and oily... do you still want to continue your sleep? Think again, dude.

4. Heart Attack Strikes

This is the worst. Since your body is having a long rest, the reactions in your body also slow down. This will promote plaque development in your arteries specifically coronary arteries that bring the oxygen to our body. and indirectly lower your blood pressure. You might get angina and heart attack.

Do you have any of these effects? I hope this benefits you.

But honestly, I don't have enough sleep instead... *sigh

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  1. Lebih dari 8 hours pun penah. Bangun je mmg akan pening kepala huhuhu. Padahal masa tido tak ingat pun apa yg bakal menanti kalau tido lama2.

    1. Amer kalau tidur lebih mesti lagi kusam dan lesu, kalau tidur petang pulak... memang wajib pening lah bila bangun hahaha

  2. Yana latu tidoq tak ingat dunia macallahhh :') Sory baru menyinggah huaaaa selamani jadi silent reader ja. takut nak komen. tapi lama sgt tak on an, dia rasa nak komen. Mood tak menentu sejak jadi manusia kuat tidoq ni muehehe :'D

    1. Hahahaha ya Allah. Macam-macam.. tak payah takut sangat lah.. bukan makan orang pun *ayattypical. Btw thanks sudi singgah :3

  3. Time sekolah dulu, selalu balik lambat. Pukul 5 sampai rumah. 5.30 dah lelap. Pastu bangun maghrib. Bangun terus jadi nyanyuk "Dah subuh ke?" hahahaha

    1. Wuish awalnya tidur. How I wish I can be like you T^T

  4. Tidoq awai, mangkit awai, boleh isi dengan banyak benda jugak. Tak gitu?

    Good luck exam na, amerzing! 🙆💐

    1. Betullah tu. Tapi kalau tidor pun 3 pagi the bangun pukul 6 pagi.. T^T

      Thanks FA!

  5. skt kepala yu mmg betul sbb sy penah try... hehehe

  6. dalam banyak-banyak tu, yang damage your face paling scary! sebab susah betul nak jaga kulit ni T.T
